I have been printing labels which contain some text and a barcode image (code 128). When connected to a PC running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, the printing was perfect. I have now moved onto a PC running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, however when printing the label, the text is fine, however the barcode image is fuzzy and cannot be scanned by a barcode scanner. I have installed the latest drivers but nothing seems to make a difference. The only configured settings on the printer was the label height and width.


感谢 Hurtuk,但打印机可以很好地打印其测试条码,但从我的 .NET 应用程序中却不行。所以我认为这不是硬件配置问题。我怀疑它可能与 Windows 10 兼容,或者与我在应用程序上生成图像的方式有关?

我建议您将生成的 pdf 保存到应用程序中的文件中,手动打开该文件并尝试手动打印。它可以为您提供很多关于正在发生的事情的见解。

我生成了 PDF,它在 PDF 中看起来很清楚,但打印出来的是一样的。我认为我的问题措辞不当,并且缺少很多信息。我将使用更多相关信息编辑或重新发布我的问题。对于那个很抱歉...
