Module java.desktop

Class BasicTreeUI

    • Field Detail

      • collapsedIcon

        protected transient Icon collapsedIcon
        The collapsed icon.
      • expandedIcon

        protected transient Icon expandedIcon
        The expanded icon.
      • leftChildIndent

        protected int leftChildIndent
        Distance between left margin and where vertical dashes will be drawn.
      • rightChildIndent

        protected int rightChildIndent
        Distance to add to leftChildIndent to determine where cell contents will be drawn.
      • totalChildIndent

        protected int totalChildIndent
        Total distance that will be indented. The sum of leftChildIndent and rightChildIndent.
      • preferredMinSize

        protected Dimension preferredMinSize
        Minimum preferred size.
      • lastSelectedRow

        protected int lastSelectedRow
        Index of the row that was last selected.
      • tree

        protected JTree tree
        Component that we're going to be drawing into.
      • currentCellRenderer

        protected transient TreeCellRenderer currentCellRenderer
        Renderer that is being used to do the actual cell drawing.
      • createdRenderer

        protected boolean createdRenderer
        Set to true if the renderer that is currently in the tree was created by this instance.
      • cellEditor

        protected transient TreeCellEditor cellEditor
        Editor for the tree.
      • createdCellEditor

        protected boolean createdCellEditor
        Set to true if editor that is currently in the tree was created by this instance.
      • stopEditingInCompleteEditing

        protected boolean stopEditingInCompleteEditing
        Set to false when editing and shouldSelectCell() returns true meaning the node should be selected before editing, used in completeEditing.
      • rendererPane

        protected CellRendererPane rendererPane
        Used to paint the TreeCellRenderer.
      • preferredSize

        protected Dimension preferredSize
        Size needed to completely display all the nodes.
      • validCachedPreferredSize

        protected boolean validCachedPreferredSize
        Is the preferredSize valid?
      • treeState

        protected AbstractLayoutCache treeState
        Object responsible for handling sizing and expanded issues.
      • largeModel

        protected boolean largeModel
        True if doing optimizations for a largeModel. Subclasses that don't support this may wish to override createLayoutCache to not return a FixedHeightLayoutCache instance.
      • treeModel

        protected TreeModel treeModel
        Used to determine what to display.
      • treeSelectionModel

        protected TreeSelectionModel treeSelectionModel
        Model maintaining the selection.
      • depthOffset

        protected int depthOffset
        How much the depth should be offset to properly calculate x locations. This is based on whether or not the root is visible, and if the root handles are visible.
      • editingComponent

        protected Component editingComponent
        When editing, this will be the Component that is doing the actual editing.
      • editingPath

        protected TreePath editingPath
        Path that is being edited.
      • editingRow

        protected int editingRow
        Row that is being edited. Should only be referenced if editingComponent is not null.
      • editorHasDifferentSize

        protected boolean editorHasDifferentSize
        Set to true if the editor has a different size than the renderer.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicTreeUI

        public BasicTreeUI()
        Constructs a new instance of BasicTreeUI.
    • Method Detail

      • createUI

        public static ComponentUI createUI​(JComponent x)
        Constructs a new instance of BasicTreeUI.
        x - a component
        a new instance of BasicTreeUI
      • getHashColor

        protected Color getHashColor()
        Returns the hash color.
        the hash color
      • setHashColor

        protected void setHashColor​(Color color)
        Sets the hash color.
        color - the hash color
      • setLeftChildIndent

        public void setLeftChildIndent​(int newAmount)
        Sets the left child indent.
        newAmount - the left child indent
      • getLeftChildIndent

        public int getLeftChildIndent()
        Returns the left child indent.
        the left child indent
      • setRightChildIndent

        public void setRightChildIndent​(int newAmount)
        Sets the right child indent.
        newAmount - the right child indent
      • getRightChildIndent

        public int getRightChildIndent()
        Returns the right child indent.
        the right child indent
      • setExpandedIcon

        public void setExpandedIcon​(Icon newG)
        Sets the expanded icon.
        newG - the expanded icon
      • getExpandedIcon

        public Icon getExpandedIcon()
        Returns the expanded icon.
        the expanded icon
      • setCollapsedIcon

        public void setCollapsedIcon​(Icon newG)
        Sets the collapsed icon.
        newG - the collapsed icon
      • getCollapsedIcon

        public Icon getCollapsedIcon()
        Returns the collapsed icon.
        the collapsed icon
      • setLargeModel

        protected void setLargeModel​(boolean largeModel)
        Updates the componentListener, if necessary.
        largeModel - the new value
      • isLargeModel

        protected boolean isLargeModel()
        Returns true if large model is set.
        true if large model is set
      • setRowHeight

        protected void setRowHeight​(int rowHeight)
        Sets the row height, this is forwarded to the treeState.
        rowHeight - the row height
      • getRowHeight

        protected int getRowHeight()
        Returns the row height.
        the row height
      • setCellRenderer

        protected void setCellRenderer​(TreeCellRenderer tcr)
        Sets the TreeCellRenderer to tcr. This invokes updateRenderer.
        tcr - the new value
      • getCellRenderer

        protected TreeCellRenderer getCellRenderer()
        Return currentCellRenderer, which will either be the trees renderer, or defaultCellRenderer, which ever wasn't null.
        an instance of TreeCellRenderer
      • setModel

        protected void setModel​(TreeModel model)
        Sets the TreeModel.
        model - the new value
      • getModel

        protected TreeModel getModel()
        Returns the tree model.
        the tree model
      • setRootVisible

        protected void setRootVisible​(boolean newValue)
        Sets the root to being visible.
        newValue - the new value
      • isRootVisible

        protected boolean isRootVisible()
        Returns true if the tree root is visible.
        true if the tree root is visible
      • setShowsRootHandles

        protected void setShowsRootHandles​(boolean newValue)
        Determines whether the node handles are to be displayed.
        newValue - the new value
      • getShowsRootHandles

        protected boolean getShowsRootHandles()
        Returns true if the root handles are to be displayed.
        true if the root handles are to be displayed
      • setCellEditor

        protected void setCellEditor​(TreeCellEditor editor)
        Sets the cell editor.
        editor - the new cell editor
      • getCellEditor

        protected TreeCellEditor getCellEditor()
        Returns an instance of TreeCellEditor.
        an instance of TreeCellEditor
      • setEditable

        protected void setEditable​(boolean newValue)
        Configures the receiver to allow, or not allow, editing.
        newValue - the new value
      • isEditable

        protected boolean isEditable()
        Returns true if the tree is editable.
        true if the tree is editable
      • setSelectionModel

        protected void setSelectionModel​(TreeSelectionModel newLSM)
        Resets the selection model. The appropriate listener are installed on the model.
        newLSM - new selection model
      • getSelectionModel

        protected TreeSelectionModel getSelectionModel()
        Returns the tree selection model.
        the tree selection model
      • getPathBounds

        public Rectangle getPathBounds​(JTree tree,
                                       TreePath path)
        Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be drawn into. Will return null if any component in path is currently valid.
        Specified by:
        getPathBounds in class TreeUI
        tree - the JTree for path
        path - the TreePath identifying the node
        the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the last item in path will be drawn into, null if any component in path is currently valid.
      • getPathForRow

        public TreePath getPathForRow​(JTree tree,
                                      int row)
        Returns the path for passed in row. If row is not visible null is returned.
        Specified by:
        getPathForRow in class TreeUI
        tree - a JTree object
        row - an integer specifying a row
        the path for row or null if row is not visible
      • getRowForPath

        public int getRowForPath​(JTree tree,
                                 TreePath path)
        Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible at. Will return -1 if any of the elements in path are not currently visible.
        Specified by:
        getRowForPath in class TreeUI
        tree - the JTree for path
        path - the TreePath object to look in
        an integer specifying the row at which the last item identified is visible, -1 if any of the elements in path are not currently visible
      • getRowCount

        public int getRowCount​(JTree tree)
        Returns the number of rows that are being displayed.
        Specified by:
        getRowCount in class TreeUI
        tree - the JTree for which to count rows
        an integer specifying the number of row being displayed
      • getClosestPathForLocation

        public TreePath getClosestPathForLocation​(JTree tree,
                                                  int x,
                                                  int y)
        Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y. If there is nothing currently visible this will return null, otherwise it'll always return a valid path. If you need to test if the returned object is exactly at x, y you should get the bounds for the returned path and test x, y against that.
        Specified by:
        getClosestPathForLocation in class TreeUI
        tree - a JTree object
        x - an integer giving the number of pixels horizontally from the left edge of the display area
        y - an integer giving the number of pixels vertically from the top of the display area, minus any top margin
        the TreePath node closest to x,y or null if there is nothing currently visible
      • isEditing

        public boolean isEditing​(JTree tree)
        Returns true if the tree is being edited. The item that is being edited can be returned by getEditingPath().
        Specified by:
        isEditing in class TreeUI
        tree - a JTree object
        true if tree is being edited
      • stopEditing

        public boolean stopEditing​(JTree tree)
        Stops the current editing session. This has no effect if the tree isn't being edited. Returns true if the editor allows the editing session to stop.
        Specified by:
        stopEditing in class TreeUI
        tree - a JTree object
        true if the editor allows the editing session to stop
      • cancelEditing

        public void cancelEditing​(JTree tree)
        Cancels the current editing session.
        Specified by:
        cancelEditing in class TreeUI
        tree - a JTree object
      • startEditingAtPath

        public void startEditingAtPath​(JTree tree,
                                       TreePath path)
        Selects the last item in path and tries to edit it. Editing will fail if the CellEditor won't allow it for the selected item.
        Specified by:
        startEditingAtPath in class TreeUI
        tree - the JTree being edited
        path - the TreePath to be edited
      • getEditingPath

        public TreePath getEditingPath​(JTree tree)
        Returns the path to the element that is being edited.
        Specified by:
        getEditingPath in class TreeUI
        tree - the JTree for which to return a path
        a TreePath containing the path to tree
      • prepareForUIInstall

        protected void prepareForUIInstall()
        Invoked after the tree instance variable has been set, but before any defaults/listeners have been installed.
      • completeUIInstall

        protected void completeUIInstall()
        Invoked from installUI after all the defaults/listeners have been installed.
      • installDefaults

        protected void installDefaults()
        Installs default properties.
      • installListeners

        protected void installListeners()
        Registers listeners.
      • installKeyboardActions

        protected void installKeyboardActions()
        Registers keyboard actions.
      • installComponents

        protected void installComponents()
        Intalls the subcomponents of the tree, which is the renderer pane.
      • createNodeDimensions

        protected AbstractLayoutCache.NodeDimensions createNodeDimensions()
        Creates an instance of NodeDimensions that is able to determine the size of a given node in the tree.
        an instance of NodeDimensions
      • createPropertyChangeListener

        protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener()
        Creates a listener that is responsible that updates the UI based on how the tree changes.
        an instance of the PropertyChangeListener
      • createMouseListener

        protected MouseListener createMouseListener()
        Creates the listener responsible for updating the selection based on mouse events.
        an instance of the MouseListener
      • createFocusListener

        protected FocusListener createFocusListener()
        Creates a listener that is responsible for updating the display when focus is lost/gained.
        an instance of the FocusListener
      • createKeyListener

        protected KeyListener createKeyListener()
        Creates the listener responsible for getting key events from the tree.
        an instance of the KeyListener
      • createSelectionModelPropertyChangeListener

        protected PropertyChangeListener createSelectionModelPropertyChangeListener()
        Creates the listener responsible for getting property change events from the selection model.
        an instance of the PropertyChangeListener
      • createTreeSelectionListener

        protected TreeSelectionListener createTreeSelectionListener()
        Creates the listener that updates the display based on selection change methods.
        an instance of the TreeSelectionListener
      • createCellEditorListener

        protected CellEditorListener createCellEditorListener()
        Creates a listener to handle events from the current editor.
        an instance of the CellEditorListener
      • createComponentListener

        protected ComponentListener createComponentListener()
        Creates and returns a new ComponentHandler. This is used for the large model to mark the validCachedPreferredSize as invalid when the component moves.
        an instance of the ComponentListener
      • createTreeExpansionListener

        protected TreeExpansionListener createTreeExpansionListener()
        Creates and returns the object responsible for updating the treestate when nodes expanded state changes.
        an instance of the TreeExpansionListener
      • createLayoutCache

        protected AbstractLayoutCache createLayoutCache()
        Creates the object responsible for managing what is expanded, as well as the size of nodes.
        the object responsible for managing what is expanded
      • createCellRendererPane

        protected CellRendererPane createCellRendererPane()
        Returns the renderer pane that renderer components are placed in.
        an instance of the CellRendererPane
      • createDefaultCellEditor

        protected TreeCellEditor createDefaultCellEditor()
        Creates a default cell editor.
        a default cell editor
      • createDefaultCellRenderer

        protected TreeCellRenderer createDefaultCellRenderer()
        Returns the default cell renderer that is used to do the stamping of each node.
        an instance of TreeCellRenderer
      • createTreeModelListener

        protected TreeModelListener createTreeModelListener()
        Returns a listener that can update the tree when the model changes.
        an instance of the TreeModelListener.
      • prepareForUIUninstall

        protected void prepareForUIUninstall()
        Invoked before unstallation of UI.
      • completeUIUninstall

        protected void completeUIUninstall()
        Uninstalls UI.
      • uninstallDefaults

        protected void uninstallDefaults()
        Uninstalls default properties.
      • uninstallListeners

        protected void uninstallListeners()
        Unregisters listeners.
      • uninstallKeyboardActions

        protected void uninstallKeyboardActions()
        Unregisters keyboard actions.
      • uninstallComponents

        protected void uninstallComponents()
        Uninstalls the renderer pane.
      • isDropLine

        protected boolean isDropLine​(JTree.DropLocation loc)
        Tells if a DropLocation should be indicated by a line between nodes. This is meant for javax.swing.DropMode.INSERT and javax.swing.DropMode.ON_OR_INSERT drop modes.
        loc - a DropLocation
        true if the drop location should be shown as a line
      • paintDropLine

        protected void paintDropLine​(Graphics g)
        Paints the drop line.
        g - Graphics object to draw on
      • getDropLineRect

        protected Rectangle getDropLineRect​(JTree.DropLocation loc)
        Returns a unbounding box for the drop line.
        loc - a DropLocation
        bounding box for the drop line
      • paintHorizontalPartOfLeg

        protected void paintHorizontalPartOfLeg​(Graphics g,
                                                Rectangle clipBounds,
                                                Insets insets,
                                                Rectangle bounds,
                                                TreePath path,
                                                int row,
                                                boolean isExpanded,
                                                boolean hasBeenExpanded,
                                                boolean isLeaf)
        Paints the horizontal part of the leg. The receiver should NOT modify clipBounds, or insets.

        NOTE: parentRow can be -1 if the root is not visible.

        g - a graphics context
        clipBounds - a clipped rectangle
        insets - insets
        bounds - a bounding rectangle
        path - a tree path
        row - a row
        isExpanded - true if the path is expanded
        hasBeenExpanded - true if the path has been expanded
        isLeaf - true if the path is leaf
      • paintVerticalPartOfLeg

        protected void paintVerticalPartOfLeg​(Graphics g,
                                              Rectangle clipBounds,
                                              Insets insets,
                                              TreePath path)
        Paints the vertical part of the leg. The receiver should NOT modify clipBounds, insets.
        g - a graphics context
        clipBounds - a clipped rectangle
        insets - insets
        path - a tree path
      • paintExpandControl

        protected void paintExpandControl​(Graphics g,
                                          Rectangle clipBounds,
                                          Insets insets,
                                          Rectangle bounds,
                                          TreePath path,
                                          int row,
                                          boolean isExpanded,
                                          boolean hasBeenExpanded,
                                          boolean isLeaf)
        Paints the expand (toggle) part of a row. The receiver should NOT modify clipBounds, or insets.
        g - a graphics context
        clipBounds - a clipped rectangle
        insets - insets
        bounds - a bounding rectangle
        path - a tree path
        row - a row
        isExpanded - true if the path is expanded
        hasBeenExpanded - true if the path has been expanded
        isLeaf - true if the row is leaf
      • paintRow

        protected void paintRow​(Graphics g,
                                Rectangle clipBounds,
                                Insets insets,
                                Rectangle bounds,
                                TreePath path,
                                int row,
                                boolean isExpanded,
                                boolean hasBeenExpanded,
                                boolean isLeaf)
        Paints the renderer part of a row. The receiver should NOT modify clipBounds, or insets.
        g - a graphics context
        clipBounds - a clipped rectangle
        insets - insets
        bounds - a bounding rectangle
        path - a tree path
        row - a row
        isExpanded - true if the path is expanded
        hasBeenExpanded - true if the path has been expanded
        isLeaf - true if the path is leaf
      • shouldPaintExpandControl

        protected boolean shouldPaintExpandControl​(TreePath path,
                                                   int row,
                                                   boolean isExpanded,
                                                   boolean hasBeenExpanded,
                                                   boolean isLeaf)
        Returns true if the expand (toggle) control should be drawn for the specified row.
        path - a tree path
        row - a row
        isExpanded - true if the path is expanded
        hasBeenExpanded - true if the path has been expanded
        isLeaf - true if the row is leaf
        true if the expand (toggle) control should be drawn for the specified row
      • paintVerticalLine

        protected void paintVerticalLine​(Graphics g,
                                         JComponent c,
                                         int x,
                                         int top,
                                         int bottom)
        Paints a vertical line.
        g - a graphics context
        c - a component
        x - an X coordinate
        top - an Y1 coordinate
        bottom - an Y2 coordinate
      • paintHorizontalLine

        protected void paintHorizontalLine​(Graphics g,
                                           JComponent c,
                                           int y,
                                           int left,
                                           int right)
        Paints a horizontal line.
        g - a graphics context
        c - a component
        y - an Y coordinate
        left - an X1 coordinate
        right - an X2 coordinate
      • getVerticalLegBuffer

        protected int getVerticalLegBuffer()
        The vertical element of legs between nodes starts at the bottom of the parent node by default. This method makes the leg start below that.
        the vertical leg buffer
      • getHorizontalLegBuffer

        protected int getHorizontalLegBuffer()
        The horizontal element of legs between nodes starts at the right of the left-hand side of the child node by default. This method makes the leg end before that.
        the horizontal leg buffer
      • drawCentered

        protected void drawCentered​(Component c,
                                    Graphics graphics,
                                    Icon icon,
                                    int x,
                                    int y)
        Draws the icon centered at (x,y).
        c - a component
        graphics - a graphics context
        icon - an icon
        x - an X coordinate
        y - an Y coordinate
      • drawDashedHorizontalLine

        protected void drawDashedHorizontalLine​(Graphics g,
                                                int y,
                                                int x1,
                                                int x2)
        Draws a horizontal dashed line. It is assumed x1 <= x2. If x1 is greater than x2, the method draws nothing.
        g - an instance of Graphics
        y - an Y coordinate
        x1 - an X1 coordinate
        x2 - an X2 coordinate
      • drawDashedVerticalLine

        protected void drawDashedVerticalLine​(Graphics g,
                                              int x,
                                              int y1,
                                              int y2)
        Draws a vertical dashed line. It is assumed y1 <= y2. If y1 is greater than y2, the method draws nothing.
        g - an instance of Graphics
        x - an X coordinate
        y1 - an Y1 coordinate
        y2 - an Y2 coordinate
      • getRowX

        protected int getRowX​(int row,
                              int depth)
        Returns the location, along the x-axis, to render a particular row at. The return value does not include any Insets specified on the JTree. This does not check for the validity of the row or depth, it is assumed to be correct and will not throw an Exception if the row or depth doesn't match that of the tree.
        row - Row to return x location for
        depth - Depth of the row
        amount to indent the given row.
      • updateLayoutCacheExpandedNodes

        protected void updateLayoutCacheExpandedNodes()
        Makes all the nodes that are expanded in JTree expanded in LayoutCache. This invokes updateExpandedDescendants with the root path.
      • updateExpandedDescendants

        protected void updateExpandedDescendants​(TreePath path)
        Updates the expanded state of all the descendants of path by getting the expanded descendants from the tree and forwarding to the tree state.
        path - a tree path
      • getLastChildPath

        protected TreePath getLastChildPath​(TreePath parent)
        Returns a path to the last child of parent.
        parent - a tree path
        a path to the last child of parent
      • updateDepthOffset

        protected void updateDepthOffset()
        Updates how much each depth should be offset by.
      • updateCellEditor

        protected void updateCellEditor()
        Updates the cellEditor based on the editability of the JTree that we're contained in. If the tree is editable but doesn't have a cellEditor, a basic one will be used.
      • updateRenderer

        protected void updateRenderer()
        Messaged from the tree we're in when the renderer has changed.
      • configureLayoutCache

        protected void configureLayoutCache()
        Resets the TreeState instance based on the tree we're providing the look and feel for.
      • updateSize

        protected void updateSize()
        Marks the cached size as being invalid, and messages the tree with treeDidChange.
      • updateCachedPreferredSize

        protected void updateCachedPreferredSize()
        Updates the preferredSize instance variable, which is returned from getPreferredSize().

        For left to right orientations, the size is determined from the current AbstractLayoutCache. For RTL orientations, the preferred size becomes the width minus the minimum x position.

      • pathWasExpanded

        protected void pathWasExpanded​(TreePath path)
        Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has been expanded.
        path - a tree path
      • pathWasCollapsed

        protected void pathWasCollapsed​(TreePath path)
        Messaged from the VisibleTreeNode after it has collapsed.
        path - a tree path
      • ensureRowsAreVisible

        protected void ensureRowsAreVisible​(int beginRow,
                                            int endRow)
        Ensures that the rows identified by beginRow through endRow are visible.
        beginRow - the begin row
        endRow - the end row
      • setPreferredMinSize

        public void setPreferredMinSize​(Dimension newSize)
        Sets the preferred minimum size.
        newSize - the new preferred size
      • getPreferredMinSize

        public Dimension getPreferredMinSize()
        Returns the minimum preferred size.
        the minimum preferred size
      • getPreferredSize

        public Dimension getPreferredSize​(JComponent c,
                                          boolean checkConsistency)
        Returns the preferred size to represent the tree in c. If checkConsistency is truecheckConsistency is messaged first.
        c - a component
        checkConsistency - if true consistency is checked
        the preferred size to represent the tree in the component
      • completeEditing

        protected void completeEditing()
        Messages to stop the editing session. If the UI the receiver is providing the look and feel for returns true from getInvokesStopCellEditing, stopCellEditing will invoked on the current editor. Then completeEditing will be messaged with false, true, false to cancel any lingering editing.
      • completeEditing

        protected void completeEditing​(boolean messageStop,
                                       boolean messageCancel,
                                       boolean messageTree)
        Stops the editing session. If messageStop is true the editor is messaged with stopEditing, if messageCancel is true the editor is messaged with cancelEditing. If messageTree is true the treeModel is messaged with valueForPathChanged.
        messageStop - message to stop editing
        messageCancel - message to cancel editing
        messageTree - message to tree
      • startEditing

        protected boolean startEditing​(TreePath path,
                                       MouseEvent event)
        Will start editing for node if there is a cellEditor and shouldSelectCell returns true.

        This assumes that path is valid and visible.

        path - a tree path
        event - a mouse event
        true if the editing is successful
      • checkForClickInExpandControl

        protected void checkForClickInExpandControl​(TreePath path,
                                                    int mouseX,
                                                    int mouseY)
        If the mouseX and mouseY are in the expand/collapse region of the row, this will toggle the row.
        path - a tree path
        mouseX - an X coordinate
        mouseY - an Y coordinate
      • isLocationInExpandControl

        protected boolean isLocationInExpandControl​(TreePath path,
                                                    int mouseX,
                                                    int mouseY)
        Returns true if mouseX and mouseY fall in the area of row that is used to expand/collapse the node and the node at row does not represent a leaf.
        path - a tree path
        mouseX - an X coordinate
        mouseY - an Y coordinate
        true if the mouse cursor fall in the area of row that is used to expand/collapse the node and the node is not a leaf.
      • handleExpandControlClick

        protected void handleExpandControlClick​(TreePath path,
                                                int mouseX,
                                                int mouseY)
        Messaged when the user clicks the particular row, this invokes toggleExpandState.
        path - a tree path
        mouseX - an X coordinate
        mouseY - an Y coordinate
      • toggleExpandState

        protected void toggleExpandState​(TreePath path)
        Expands path if it is not expanded, or collapses row if it is expanded. If expanding a path and JTree scrolls on expand, ensureRowsAreVisible is invoked to scroll as many of the children to visible as possible (tries to scroll to last visible descendant of path).
        path - a tree path
      • isToggleSelectionEvent

        protected boolean isToggleSelectionEvent​(MouseEvent event)
        Returning true signifies a mouse event on the node should toggle the selection of only the row under mouse.
        event - a mouse event
        true if a mouse event on the node should toggle the selection
      • isMultiSelectEvent

        protected boolean isMultiSelectEvent​(MouseEvent event)
        Returning true signifies a mouse event on the node should select from the anchor point.
        event - a mouse event
        true if a mouse event on the node should select from the anchor point
      • isToggleEvent

        protected boolean isToggleEvent​(MouseEvent event)
        Returning true indicates the row under the mouse should be toggled based on the event. This is invoked after checkForClickInExpandControl, implying the location is not in the expand (toggle) control.
        event - a mouse event
        true if the row under the mouse should be toggled
      • selectPathForEvent

        protected void selectPathForEvent​(TreePath path,
                                          MouseEvent event)
        Messaged to update the selection based on a MouseEvent over a particular row. If the event is a toggle selection event, the row is either selected, or deselected. If the event identifies a multi selection event, the selection is updated from the anchor point. Otherwise the row is selected, and if the event specified a toggle event the row is expanded/collapsed.
        path - the selected path
        event - the mouse event
      • isLeaf

        protected boolean isLeaf​(int row)
        Returns true if the node at row is a leaf.
        row - a row
        true if the node at row is a leaf
      • updateLeadSelectionRow

        protected void updateLeadSelectionRow()
        Updates the lead row of the selection.
      • getLeadSelectionRow

        protected int getLeadSelectionRow()
        Returns the lead row of the selection.
        selection lead row




