Module java.base

Class ModuleDescriptor.Exports

    • Method Detail

      • isQualified

        public boolean isQualified()
        Returns true if this is a qualified export.
        true if this is a qualified export
      • source

        public String source()
        Returns the package name.
        The package name
      • targets

        public Set<String> targets()
        For a qualified export, returns the non-empty and immutable set of the module names to which the package is exported. For an unqualified export, returns an empty set.
        The set of target module names or for an unqualified export, an empty set
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(ModuleDescriptor.Exports that)
        Compares this module export to another.

        Two Exports objects are compared by comparing the package names lexicographically. Where the packages names are equal then the sets of modifiers are compared in the same way that module modifiers are compared (see ModuleDescriptor.compareTo). Where the package names are equal and the set of modifiers are equal then the set of target modules are compared. This is done by sorting the names of the target modules in ascending order, and according to their natural ordering, and then comparing the corresponding elements lexicographically. Where the sets differ in size, and the larger set contains all elements of the smaller set, then the larger set is considered to succeed the smaller set.

        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<ModuleDescriptor.Exports>
        that - The module export to compare
        A negative integer, zero, or a positive integer if this module export is less than, equal to, or greater than the given export dependence
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object ob)
        Tests this module export for equality with the given object.

        If the given object is not an Exports then this method returns false. Two module exports objects are equal if their set of modifiers is equal, the package names are equal and the set of target module names is equal.

        This method satisfies the general contract of the Object.equals method.

        equals in class Object
        ob - the object to which this object is to be compared
        true if, and only if, the given object is a module dependence that is equal to this module dependence
        See Also:
        Object.hashCode(), HashMap
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string describing the exported package.
        toString in class Object
        A string describing the exported package




