Module jdk.compiler

Interface DocSourcePositions

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DocSourcePositions
    extends SourcePositions
    Provides methods to obtain the position of a DocTree within a javadoc comment. A position is defined as a simple character offset from the start of a CompilationUnit where the first character is at offset 0.
    • Method Detail

      • getStartPosition

        long getStartPosition​(CompilationUnitTree file,
                              DocCommentTree comment,
                              DocTree tree)
        Returns the starting position of the tree within the comment within the file. If tree is not found within file, or if the starting position is not available, return Diagnostic.NOPOS. The given tree should be under the given comment tree, and the given documentation comment tree should be returned from a DocTrees.getDocCommentTree(com.sun.source.util.TreePath) for a tree under the given file. The returned position must be at the start of the yield of this tree, that is for any sub-tree of this tree, the following must hold:

        tree.getStartPosition() <= subtree.getStartPosition() or
        tree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS or
        subtree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS

        file - CompilationUnit in which to find tree.
        comment - the comment tree that encloses the tree for which the position is being sought
        tree - tree for which a position is sought.
        the start position of tree.
      • getEndPosition

        long getEndPosition​(CompilationUnitTree file,
                            DocCommentTree comment,
                            DocTree tree)
        Returns the ending position of the tree within the comment within the file. If tree is not found within file, or if the ending position is not available, return Diagnostic.NOPOS. The given tree should be under the given comment tree, and the given documentation comment tree should be returned from a DocTrees.getDocCommentTree(com.sun.source.util.TreePath) for a tree under the given file. The returned position must be at the end of the yield of this tree, that is for any sub-tree of this tree, the following must hold:

        tree.getEndPosition() >= subtree.getEndPosition() or
        tree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS or
        subtree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS

        In addition, the following must hold:

        tree.getStartPosition() <= tree.getEndPosition() or
        tree.getStartPosition() == NOPOS or
        tree.getEndPosition() == NOPOS

        file - CompilationUnit in which to find tree.
        comment - the comment tree that encloses the tree for which the position is being sought
        tree - tree for which a position is sought.
        the start position of tree.




