• All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DTD
    extends Object
    implements DTDConstants
    The representation of an SGML DTD. DTD describes a document syntax and is used in parsing of HTML documents. It contains a list of elements and their attributes as well as a list of entities defined in the DTD.
    See Also:
    Element, AttributeList, ContentModel, Parser
    • Field Detail

      • name

        public String name
        the name of the DTD
      • elementHash

        public Hashtable<String,​Element> elementHash
        The hash table contains the name of element and the corresponding element.
      • entityHash

        public Hashtable<Object,​Entity> entityHash
        The hash table contains an Object and the corresponding Entity
      • pcdata

        public final Element pcdata
        The element corresponding to pcdata.
      • html

        public final Element html
        The element corresponding to html.
      • meta

        public final Element meta
        The element corresponding to meta.
      • base

        public final Element base
        The element corresponding to base.
      • isindex

        public final Element isindex
        The element corresponding to isindex.
      • head

        public final Element head
        The element corresponding to head.
      • body

        public final Element body
        The element corresponding to body.
      • applet

        public final Element applet
        The element corresponding to applet.
      • param

        public final Element param
        The element corresponding to param.
      • p

        public final Element p
        The element corresponding to p.
      • title

        public final Element title
        The element corresponding to title.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DTD

        protected DTD​(String name)
        Creates a new DTD with the specified name.
        name - the name, as a String of the new DTD
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the DTD.
        the name of the DTD
      • getEntity

        public Entity getEntity​(String name)
        Gets an entity by name.
        name - the entity name
        the Entity corresponding to the nameString
      • getEntity

        public Entity getEntity​(int ch)
        Gets a character entity.
        ch - the character
        the Entity corresponding to the ch character
      • getElement

        public Element getElement​(String name)
        Gets an element by name. A new element is created if the element doesn't exist.
        name - the requested String
        the Element corresponding to name, which may be newly created
      • getElement

        public Element getElement​(int index)
        Gets an element by index.
        index - the requested index
        the Element corresponding to index
      • defineEntity

        public Entity defineEntity​(String name,
                                   int type,
                                   char[] data)
        Defines an entity. If the Entity specified by name, type, and data exists, it is returned; otherwise a new Entity is created and is returned.
        name - the name of the Entity as a String
        type - the type of the Entity
        data - the Entity's data
        the Entity requested or a new Entity if not found
      • defineElement

        public Element defineElement​(String name,
                                     int type,
                                     boolean omitStart,
                                     boolean omitEnd,
                                     ContentModel content,
                                     BitSet exclusions,
                                     BitSet inclusions,
                                     AttributeList atts)
        Returns the Element which matches the specified parameters. If one doesn't exist, a new one is created and returned.
        name - the name of the Element
        type - the type of the Element
        omitStart - true if start should be omitted
        omitEnd - true if end should be omitted
        content - the ContentModel
        exclusions - the set of elements that must not occur inside the element
        inclusions - the set of elements that can occur inside the element
        atts - the AttributeList specifying the Element
        the Element specified
      • defineAttributes

        public void defineAttributes​(String name,
                                     AttributeList atts)
        Defines attributes for an Element.
        name - the name of the Element
        atts - the AttributeList specifying the Element
      • defEntity

        public Entity defEntity​(String name,
                                int type,
                                int ch)
        Creates and returns a character Entity.
        name - the entity's name
        type - the entity's type
        ch - the entity's value (character)
        the new character Entity
      • defEntity

        protected Entity defEntity​(String name,
                                   int type,
                                   String str)
        Creates and returns an Entity.
        name - the entity's name
        type - the entity's type
        str - the entity's data section
        the new Entity
      • defElement

        protected Element defElement​(String name,
                                     int type,
                                     boolean omitStart,
                                     boolean omitEnd,
                                     ContentModel content,
                                     String[] exclusions,
                                     String[] inclusions,
                                     AttributeList atts)
        Creates and returns an Element.
        name - the element's name
        type - the element's type
        omitStart - true if the element needs no starting tag
        omitEnd - true if the element needs no closing tag
        content - the element's content
        exclusions - the elements that must be excluded from the content of the element
        inclusions - the elements that can be included as the content of the element
        atts - the attributes of the element
        the new Element
      • defAttributeList

        protected AttributeList defAttributeList​(String name,
                                                 int type,
                                                 int modifier,
                                                 String value,
                                                 String values,
                                                 AttributeList atts)
        Creates and returns an AttributeList responding to a new attribute.
        name - the attribute's name
        type - the attribute's type
        modifier - the attribute's modifier
        value - the default value of the attribute
        values - the allowed values for the attribute (multiple values could be separated by '|')
        atts - the previous attribute of the element; to be placed to AttributeList.next, creating a linked list
        the new AttributeList
      • defContentModel

        protected ContentModel defContentModel​(int type,
                                               Object obj,
                                               ContentModel next)
        Creates and returns a new content model.
        type - the type of the new content model
        obj - the content of the content model
        next - pointer to the next content model
        the new ContentModel
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this DTD.
        toString in class Object
        the string representation of this DTD
      • putDTDHash

        public static void putDTDHash​(String name,
                                      DTD dtd)
        Put a name and appropriate DTD to hashtable.
        name - the name of the DTD
        dtd - the DTD
      • getDTD

        public static DTD getDTD​(String name)
                          throws IOException
        Returns a DTD with the specified name. If a DTD with that name doesn't exist, one is created and returned. Any uppercase characters in the name are converted to lowercase.
        name - the name of the DTD
        the DTD which corresponds to name
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      • read

        public void read​(DataInputStream in)
                  throws IOException
        Recreates a DTD from an archived format.
        in - the DataInputStream to read from
        IOException - if an I/O error occurs




