Module java.desktop
Package java.awt.dnd

Class DragGestureEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DragGestureEvent
    extends EventObject
    A DragGestureEvent is passed to DragGestureListener's dragGestureRecognized() method when a particular DragGestureRecognizer detects that a platform dependent drag initiating gesture has occurred on the Component that it is tracking. The action field of any DragGestureEvent instance should take one of the following values:
    • DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY
    • DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE
    • DnDConstants.ACTION_LINK
    Assigning the value different from listed above will cause an unspecified behavior.
    See Also:
    DragGestureRecognizer, DragGestureListener, DragSource, DnDConstants, Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • DragGestureEvent

        public DragGestureEvent​(DragGestureRecognizer dgr,
                                int act,
                                Point ori,
                                List<? extends InputEvent> evs)
        Constructs a DragGestureEvent object given by the DragGestureRecognizer instance firing this event, an act parameter representing the user's preferred action, an ori parameter indicating the origin of the drag, and a List of events that comprise the gesture(evs parameter).
        dgr - The DragGestureRecognizer firing this event
        act - The user's preferred action. For information on allowable values, see the class description for DragGestureEvent
        ori - The origin of the drag
        evs - The List of events that comprise the gesture
        IllegalArgumentException - if any parameter equals null
        IllegalArgumentException - if the act parameter does not comply with the values given in the class description for DragGestureEvent
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceAsDragGestureRecognizer

        public DragGestureRecognizer getSourceAsDragGestureRecognizer()
        Returns the source as a DragGestureRecognizer.
        the source as a DragGestureRecognizer
      • getComponent

        public Component getComponent()
        Returns the Component associated with this DragGestureEvent.
        the Component
      • getDragSource

        public DragSource getDragSource()
        Returns the DragSource.
        the DragSource
      • getDragOrigin

        public Point getDragOrigin()
        Returns a Point in the coordinates of the Component over which the drag originated.
        the Point where the drag originated in Component coords.
      • iterator

        public Iterator<InputEvent> iterator()
        Returns an Iterator for the events comprising the gesture.
        an Iterator for the events comprising the gesture
      • toArray

        public Object[] toArray()
        Returns an Object array of the events comprising the drag gesture.
        an array of the events comprising the gesture
      • toArray

        public Object[] toArray​(Object[] array)
        Returns an array of the events comprising the drag gesture.
        array - the array of EventObject sub(types)
        an array of the events comprising the gesture
      • getDragAction

        public int getDragAction()
        Returns an int representing the action selected by the user.
        the action selected by the user
      • getTriggerEvent

        public InputEvent getTriggerEvent()
        Returns the initial event that triggered the gesture.
        the first "triggering" event in the sequence of the gesture
      • startDrag

        public void startDrag​(Cursor dragCursor,
                              Transferable transferable)
                       throws InvalidDnDOperationException
        Starts the drag operation given the Cursor for this drag operation and the Transferable representing the source data for this drag operation.
        If a null Cursor is specified no exception will be thrown and default drag cursors will be used instead.
        If a null Transferable is specified NullPointerException will be thrown.
        dragCursor - The initial Cursor for this drag operation or null for the default cursor handling; see DragSourceContext for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop
        transferable - The Transferable representing the source data for this drag operation.
        InvalidDnDOperationException - if the Drag and Drop system is unable to initiate a drag operation, or if the user attempts to start a drag while an existing drag operation is still executing.
        NullPointerException - if the Transferable is null
      • startDrag

        public void startDrag​(Cursor dragCursor,
                              Transferable transferable,
                              DragSourceListener dsl)
                       throws InvalidDnDOperationException
        Starts the drag given the initial Cursor to display, the Transferable object, and the DragSourceListener to use.
        dragCursor - The initial Cursor for this drag operation or null for the default cursor handling; see DragSourceContext for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop
        transferable - The source's Transferable
        dsl - The source's DragSourceListener
        InvalidDnDOperationException - if the Drag and Drop system is unable to initiate a drag operation, or if the user attempts to start a drag while an existing drag operation is still executing.
      • startDrag

        public void startDrag​(Cursor dragCursor,
                              Image dragImage,
                              Point imageOffset,
                              Transferable transferable,
                              DragSourceListener dsl)
                       throws InvalidDnDOperationException
        Start the drag given the initial Cursor to display, a drag Image, the offset of the Image, the Transferable object, and the DragSourceListener to use.
        dragCursor - The initial Cursor for this drag operation or null for the default cursor handling; see DragSourceContext for more details on the cursor handling mechanism during drag and drop
        dragImage - The source's dragImage
        imageOffset - The dragImage's offset
        transferable - The source's Transferable
        dsl - The source's DragSourceListener
        InvalidDnDOperationException - if the Drag and Drop system is unable to initiate a drag operation, or if the user attempts to start a drag while an existing drag operation is still executing.




